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Emotional Freedom Technique

This page is for information only as Sherri no longer solely uses this modality

EFT is also known as “tapping” and is best described and an emotional form of acupuncture. It is a wonderfully liberating “talk” energy therapy which clears your energy system (meridians and beyond) of the disruption causing your negative emotions or even physical pain.

With the mind-body connection theory being much more widely accepted these days, more and more people are opting for this form of healing.

As a client, you will quickly learn the main tapping points during your first session, or you can download them free from the link to the founder Gary Craig’s website.

The practitioner taps along with you as you are guided to access the situations or memories causing you upset. These past experiences often forced us to form beliefs about ourselves or the outside world, which at the time seemed to work well as they protected us in some way. However, these may have a limiting effect on our lives now as they fail to empower us in any way. These limiting beliefs may be locked away in our subconscious and difficult to access in a conscious manner.

As you start tapping, with the guidance of the Practitioner, the underlying causes or memories become easier to access and the limiting beliefs are cleared from your energy system. You are then free to choose which empowering beliefs and behaviour you now wish to have in your life.

EFT often works where nothing else will and can be used for a huge range of emotional, health and performance issues. See website for a list of conditions..

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FAQs - Emotional Freedom Technique

Do I have to know how to tap before coming for a session?
What should I do before a session?
What exactly does tapping do?
How many sessions will I need?
What can EFT/Matrix Re-Imprinting be used for?

Do I have to know how to tap before coming for a session?
No, I will show you the tapping points and I will always tap with you. However, an introduction to EFT and the tapping points is available by following the link on this website.

What should I do before a session?
Just decide how you want to change your life maybe by asking yourself the question “If I could change anything in my life now, what would it be?”

What exactly does the tapping do?
Well, it’s a bit like acupuncture without the needles. Your body’s energy system might be blocked somewhere and that may actually be disrupting your life and your health. By tapping on specific points on your head, collar bone and hand whilst talking and focussing on the corresponding emotional issue or symptom, the blockage causing you the “upset now feeling” simply dissolves, leaving you feeling more empowered and more in control of your daily life.

How many sessions will I need?
If you want to work on one specific thing, you are likely to get results after the first session. Sometimes there may be several “aspects” to the problem and other sessions may be required. I aim to get clients to resolve their issues in the quickest way possible and weekly sessions over a long period of time are unlikely to be necessary, unless perhaps you have several areas or traumas to clear.

What can EFT/Matrix Re-Imprinting be used for?
It can be used on most issues: Finance and career, health and well-being, self-esteem, emotional issues, weight issues, spiritual growth, creativity, learning blocks, performance, relationships, physical challenges, pain (including long-tem pain), phobias or general fear and worry. A more specific list of conditions EFT has been successfully used on is available on the links button.

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Website designed and built by Jenny Ridland